We wish the students to put forth their best efforts to become successful in their chosen field of learning. Students should remember that self study and sustained motivation are the two important requirements for a successful learning under the distance education mode. The face-to-face session in the counseling centre will help them to clear their doubts and difficult concepts which they would have faced during the learning process. Students are advised to study the materials several times and get benefitted.

It is built upon the pre-requisite knowledge. The material is prepared in simple English and graded in terms of technical content. The main features of the study materials are (1) learning objectives (2) self explanatory study materials unitwise (3) self tests (4) list of references for further studies. Keeping this in mind, the study materials under distance mode are prepared. The basic support for distance education students lies on the self instructional study materials. The Methodology of Distance Education includes self-instructional study materials in print form, face-to-face counseling, practical classes, virtual classes in phased manner and end assessment. Peter’s University has been recognized by the Distance Education Council, and Joint Committee of UGCAICTE-DEC, for offering various programmes including B.Tech., D.Tech., MBA, MCA and other programmes in Humanities and Sciences through Distance Education mode. Produced and printed by: Excel Books Private Ltd, A-45, Naraina, Phase-I, New Delhi - 110028 However, the publisher/university and its author shall in no event be liable for any errors, omissions or damages arising out of use of this information and specifically disclaim any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for any particular use. The University has edited the study material to suit the curriculum and distance education mode. Information contained in this book has been published by Excel Books Private Limited and has been obtained by its authors from sources believed to be reliable and are correct to the best of their knowledge. Copyright © 2011, Upendra Kachru No Part of this publication publication which is material protected protected by this copyright copyright notice may be reproduced reproduced or transmitted or utilized utilized or stored in any form or by any means now known or hereinafter invented, electronic, digital or mechanical, including photocopying, photocopying, scanning, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior written permission from the publisher.